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Online opportunities during Lockdown!

Updated: Jun 4, 2020

Being stuck at home can be frustrating - especially if you had lots of plans to do, change, and experience things that now got canceled. However, the internet is a treasure box full of leadership, insight, and creativity opportunities. Below you'll find a list of opportunities that'll keep you busy, entertained and perhaps further your changemaker journey - be it to take part in a leadership program, be featured in a book, submit a work of art to the United Nations, or to come up with a social entrepreneurship idea. They're listed in order of descending deadlines, so watch out you don't miss any!

Share your dream and feature your story in a book

"The book 'I Have A Dream' will be published in October 2020 and will showcase the dreams of 196 young leaders from 196 countries. The purpose of the book is to create a world where people can learn from one another, but also to demonstrate that dreams are powerful, connected, and without borders."

Submit your dream and story here.

Deadline: May 31st (fill the form in now!)

Apply to the YCR Summer Research Programme

It's a 6-week online programme that aims to break the traditional disciplinary boundaries and delve into the emerging interdisciplinary research journey. It comes with connections to global leaders and great mentors.

Find more information here.

Deadline: May 31st (fill the form in now!)

Apply to the Centre for Science and Policy Virtual Annual Conference

Want to get off Netflix and expand your scientific horizons? Sign up for the prestigious University of Cambridge's annual Centre for Science and Policy Virtual Annual Conference.

Click here to apply.

Deadline: June 1st, 2020 (Hurry!)

Write an essay for the International Drucker Challenge

There are cash prizes, fully-funded travel, and fame and glory to win :)

This year's theme is Leadership and Critical Thinking. "Your essay should offer a point of view on whether the emerging generation of leaders is being sufficiently prepared to exercise the critical thinking required of them. What conditions of the twenty-first century are making this more difficult—or in what ways is critical thinking better supported than in the past?" Does this speak to you? Start writing now!

Click here to find more information.

Deadline: June 7th, 2020

Create a social business idea and win cash prizes

Get together with friends (via video call!) and brainstorm solutions for the most pressing global challenges - both related and unrelated to COVID-19. There are several disciplines you can submit your business idea in. There is the Business Challenge, the Education Challenge, the Prevention Challenge, the Community Challenge, the Low-cost monitoring system for COVID-19 patients Challenge, the Point of Care & Home Diagnostic Kit for COVID-19 Challenge - and many others.

(So even if you already have an idea - it may fit into one of these categories)

Learn more here.

Deadline: June 10th, 2020

Submit a drawing or comic strip to the UNHCR Youth with Refugees Art Contest

You do not need to be a professional artist to submit your work here! Just get creative.

Under the overall heading of Everyone Counts, you can focus on one or more of these three themes: Everyone should be protected from the virus, everyone should be kind to each other, or everyone has a role to play in fighting the virus.

The best creations will be ANIMATED and shared with UNHCR’s 8 million followers all over the world.

Submit your creation here.

Deadline: June 10th, 2020

Write a letter to yourself and submit it to the Goi Peace Foundation's International Essay Contest for Young People

"Imagine what an ideal world ten years from now would be like. Write a letter from yourself in 2030 to your present (2020) self, in which you describe the state of the world, the way people are living, and what you, yourself, are doing in society. In addition, include any important message that you might wish to tell your present self."

"This annual essay contest is organized in an effort to harness the energy, creativity and initiative of the world's youth in promoting a culture of peace and sustainable development. It also aims to inspire society to learn from the young minds and to think about how each of us can make a difference in the world."

Submit your essay here.

Deadline: June 15th, 2020

Showcase your creative media skills at the United Nations

Consider submitting a piece of media art to the UN SDG Action Campaign/Oculus 360 Media competition 2020 for emerging creators worldwide. You can submit audio recordings, video, photography, mixed media projects that combine pictures, panorama videos or images, video games and simulations in 2D/3D - or something else, as long as it's related to COVID-19 and/or the Sustainable Development Goals.

Learn more here.

Deadline: August 31st, 2020

Apply to scholarships to attend the One Young World Conference

This is THE youth leadership event of the year! It brings together the most impactful young leaders from every country in the world. Many delegates are paving the way politically in their countries, sent to attend the Summit by governments who see the value in empowering young people. Many are changing the world starting at the grassroots, sent to attend the Summit by organizations that want to support young people making waves.

If you think you belong at this conference, find a scholarship that you are eligible for below.

Find a list of fully-funded scholarships here.

Deadlines differ.

Join the 2020 Internship and Volunteering Programs with the Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC).

The program will give successful candidates immense exposure to the field of entrepreneurship and innovation globally, as well as event management and project planning. Find more information here.

Join this platform to take part in change-making competitions, and stay informed!

The community action platform, uLEAD, that offers resources and information on the COVID-19 crisis, competitions, mentorship opportunities, prizes to win, and online learning for young social entrepreneurs and other changemakers. Access the platform here.

Get trained to become a climate activist

Want to use your time in social isolation getting trained on being a climate activist? Sunrise School is periodically running free training courses that teach you "what exactly the Green New Deal is, how it fits into the coronavirus crisis, and how we can work together to win it." The next sessions will be announced soon Register here.

Take part in the Commonwealth leadership program

If you are the citizen of a commonwealth country (find the list here) you should consider applying to this selective seven-week-long leadership development programme."Using an interactive platform, you will work with a diverse group of young leaders from across the Commonwealth to explore Open Source Leadership  – a new leadership model co-created with over 1,000 young Commonwealth leaders."

Find more information here.

One last note before I leave you to your creative thoughts. Remember: Yes, it's okay to be unproductive during COVID-19. If taking part in any of these projects makes you happy and energized - great - continue! But if this makes you feel overwhelmed, take a break. Breathe. Listen to what your body and mind need. Be kind to yourself - and you'll witness beautiful things happening.


Want to know where I found all these opportunities?

Check out Opportunity Desk, Youth Opportunities, or this blog post, listing all the websites that feature amazing youth opportunities around the year.

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